Friday, January 25, 2008


Sorry I've been MIA lately... lots going on in our personal lives. I started back at school, I'm going two nights a week from 7:30-8:45 which gets me home around 9:05ish and then I immediately fall into bed to hopefully get enough sleep to start the next day.

We finally got paid yesterday and my retro-pay from the 16 hours last paycheck was on the check, but this is our bad check monthly and of course we're barely squeezing by even with the extra money. *sigh* Woe is me.

DH and I have been fighting a lot lately. We are struggling to communicate effectively. This is a big stressor for both of us.

And finally, at work I'm gearing up to be taking on a huge training experience with the telecom contact center and I'm going to be learning with them about half my workday starting next week. If everything goes well, and I like doing it, they plan on keeping me over there and I will receive a raise. I just don't know how much I'm going to like it, personally, I'd rather be a telecom analyst, but who knows, maybe I'll love it. And it's not like I'll be stuck there forever, I can always move later.

Hang in there with me, it's almost end of month and update time is coming faster than I'd like. But it'll be the first month seeing our poor Wii debt that hasn't even gotten a payment on it yet. (First payment is due Feb. 1st)

Friday, January 18, 2008


I finally found out where to add the NetworthIQ info to my blog, so check it out... It makes me sad that we're negative (no shit shirlock eh? lol) , but someday we will be in the black! And I plan on staying there if I ever make it!

Hopefully I can find the time out of my oh-so-busy schedule to update the tracker once a month =D

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Last Class for Associates =D

Looks like my class will be a go! It was assigned a teacher finally (still only 8 people) and I'm headed there tonight from 7:30-8:45... I really hope everything pans out.

I can't wait to say I have my associates and working on my bachelors =D Makes me grin just thinking about it.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some Blog Updates and Personal Updates

Like the new title? It took me FOREVER to come up with that, so you better congratulate me on my vast creativity lol =D

Well, my final class for my Associate's starts on Tuesday if there are enough people for the college to not drop it again... I think there's still 8 enrolled and I'm hoping that's enough. If it does get cancelled, I swear I'm just gonna try to Clep and move on. It's not worth it wasting my time waiting on one, single, stupid, night class. (Whew lots of adjectives lol)

Besides that, I'm trying to get the courage to ask my mom for some help... I'm hoping she'll offer again and then I can say "Well, my check was short this time..."

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

When it rains, it pours...

Wow so this might have just answered my question for me... I went online to check out what our paychecks are gonna be and of course mine was shorted 16 hours GAH... My manager is so flakey sometimes... I guess I need to check with her anytime I miss work to see if she got my PTO put in. Anyway, instead of the usual $725ish, I ended up with $596. That's just lame and it sucks and I can't get my money until next paycheck the 24th.
But luckily this is my paycheck that I usually end up with a little extra money, so after all my bills minimums and gas we end up with $96.19 for groceries and prescriptions, and whatever else.... $100 for 4 people... Ugh. We've actually had worse when we had a baby still on formula and we were spending close to $45 just on formula with about $45 left for our groceries for 2 weeks. No need to cry yet, we've just got to downgrade our lifestyle and grab up some ramen noodles... If all else fails, we have a little savings squirreled away... just gotta leave time for the transfers.

My head is so jumbled right now...

Hey I'm still hanging in there... I went and had my two teeth extracted (see previous complaint- last Friday the 4th, so I've been medicated and just trying to make it through this weird experience. Really, if you've never had a tooth removed, let me tell you it's weird lol
Anyways, my mom took me to the oral surgeon and on the way she asked if I wanted her to pay for what was due at the time $130.50 I think it was. But my stupid pride just got in the way and I just refused to let her pay for it, even though I had to charge it (Ouch for next month's CareCredit). Now I'm kicking myself for being stupid.... I dunno.. She keeps bugging me about trying to help me financially a little, so it's kinda nice not totally worrying if we're gonna starve this month since I can always ask her for some moola.... But should I ask her for like $150 to help pay for it/ and other bills? I don't know if I'm making sense, so feel free to ask for more info... I would love to hear what you guys think =)