Saturday, November 22, 2008

October's Update

ANB $856.80
Dell $1049.31
Citi $4024.46
BoA $6712.69
Toyota: $27467.05

Total Non-Mortgage Debt: $40110.31

Mortgage: $121901.03

A little late I know.. so shoot me =P


I know, I know! I've been gone forever and a day! Let's see, speed recap: I got better, had crazy amounts of work, got sick again, both kids got sick, and just now am starting to almost feel better. So here I am again! Debt has gone up due to a new hobby, savings has gone down slightly, and DH has started to read Dave Ramsey's Your Total Money Makeover, so maybe he can get us on track.

New hobby is Geocaching! I'm excited about it, but we did have to spend money on a decent GPS unit to get started. After the GPS, we shouldn't need to buy anything and it should help us get some exercise.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Quick update

I'm feeling much better than I was in my last post. But no worries, I went to work everyday last week and actually I was feeling almost normal by Tuesday. So anyways, just wanted to give everyone a quick update so y'all know I'm not dead or anything =P Anyways, I'll be gathering up my update from last month... since I always put it off =D