I am a 25-year-old single, working mother of 2. I've got a lot resting on my shoulders, and I'm embarking on a journey to improve my finances and be able to enjoy life with my family without the constant stress of money problems. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Here's what I'm gonna *try* to do...
Also, I finally found those cool sidebar-payoff bar thingy majigys so I'll get to add them tonight as well so everyone can see my progress more easily!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
December Update
Old Navy- $0
CareCredit- $377.59
AnB- $954.35
Dell- $999
Citi- $4015.68
BoA- $5171.55
C Car Loan- $8584.81
M Car Loan- $11853.77
Total: $31956.75
Change since last month +$106.58
Total since 8/9: -$1208.50
Well, there's the damage... it's up, but at least only $106, but we sooo could have knocked off $500 had it not been for Christmas... Plus I haven't added our Wii debt (I'm still head-in-a-hole about that one).. But the good news is that we now have our Christmas saving's fund set up so next year won't be the same. Yes, I seem to have learned something! =D
Plus DD's Hospital payment is down to owing $237.39.. only 2 more months till it's gone! So if you want to add that in, I'm down a whole $12.11!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Still Here...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Large Derailment.. Please don't yell at me!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Aaahhhhhh! Time to relax!
Both kiddos are sick though with coughs and fevers, so I may have to miss work tomorrow which sucks, but I do have the PTO so it's not as bad... Time to go to bed and rest up so that I don't get sick! Ack!
Oh yeah, and I will be finally looking at our finances again... Couldn't forget that since this is supposed to be all about money here lol. I've kinda been avoiding looking at our bills including what DH spent on me for Xmas, but I WILL look into it all tomorrow (after a good night's sleep that's hopefully not interrupted by coughing kids.) Night! =D
Saturday, December 22, 2007
'Cause I had a bad day...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Personal Update
Oh yeah, and I'll be updating my horribly increased balances either Xmas Eve (since I'm stuck working) or after Xmas sometime... so stay tuned lol
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Reasons to stay motivated
- Pay off debt by Dec. 31st, 2009. I refuse to go into 2010 with this stupid debt =D
- Have a fully funded emergency fund. (at least $5000)
- Save for closing costs and a downpayment on a house (I would like at least $10k, that's not gonna be 20% but it's a whole lot more than we were going to do before we got edjamacated =D)
- Send DH through college.
- Save more for retirement.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Holy cow that was fast!
Personal update
Now we just need to plan for our eye appointments where DH, DD, and I need to get our eyes checked and I need new contacts and eyeglass lenses (possibly a new frame if I can manage w/o too much money spent. So next stage Eyes! lol After that we'll probably go back to worrying about our poor teeth. DH and I definitely need some major work done there. Plus DD needs sealant and regular checkups now, possibly DS as well (he's 17 months so only checkups as long as we take care of his teeth)
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Also- Dreading this...
End of semester!
Tomorrow we take DSon to the dermatologist, and I'm kinda anxious. I hope they say they can remove his skin tags and be done with it!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Confession of Sins...
I also completed my final exam for my class, so I'm sitting pretty till January =D They better not cancel my last class again... I would be pissed... GR Gotta keep positive... So far we have 6 people registered for it... i think it needs around 10 or 12 to not get canceled... but i dunno for sure. I wonder if they would tell me if I called and asked them... hmm... Any ideas?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Some stuff on my mind...
Also, we NEED to get our kids in to get dental check-ups and whatever kind of cleaning & sealing they do for little kids, so I need to make an appt for that and that should all be covered by the insurance. Just gotta get motivated to take both of them and fill out the paperwork and get our file straighted out since for whatever reason they are still attaching my file to my parent's even though I handle my own everything, don't live in the same house, etc... crazy people lol I really hate having to deal with things like that... Why can't they just fix it already?!
And let's see... DH wants to go back to his dr. and see what else the dr. thinks he should do to help his headaches. I just wish DH would go to a new Dr. who wasn't so ready to write prescriptions for every little problem. I mean, DH is 25 and is already on 2 high blood pressure medicines. I think the doc should at least make an effort and tell him he needs to take better care of himself before he goes writing him prescriptions. This is the same stupid dr. who just decided that DH needed allergy testing and serum when DH went in complaining of headaches. ARGH i can't deal with either of them! =P
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
November Update
Old Navy $0.00
CareCredit $385.55
AnB $838.00
Dell $1,040.00
Citi $3,561.13
BofA $5,186.00
C Car Loan $8,843.26
M Car Loan $11,996.23
Total Debt: $31,850.17
Monthly Change: -$566.32
Total Debt Reduction: -$1,315.08
I'll try to update those charts again when I get home. bleh i'm so lazy =)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Oh yeah...
On a better note, I scheduled DS's dermatologist consult appointment. It's Dec. 6th, really I'm hoping they'll go ahead and do his skin tag removal that day, so we can get it over with, but they'll prolly have to set up another appointment to aggravate me =D
Anyway, I'm just hanging on for the ride right now. Hopefully we can afford Christmas without going nuts and charging everything we decide we want. Or going nuts and killing eachother haha Now that would be a blog post =D Anyway, now I sound crazy, so I'm gonna go lol
Friday, November 9, 2007
Kinda a jumbled mess in my head, but here we go!
On another note, DH seems to like his new job. I'm proud of him too and everything seems to be going good for us right now.
Now, last night I was trying to create some kind of chart showing my progress, and I hate seeing that my credit cards have actually increased since I started this whole journey towards no debt, and I just wanted to explain at least a little of why that happened. Basically, all was going good until I was signed up for my 2 last classes for my associates and my stupid school ended up canceling one. Well, that created a hairy mess because you have to be enrolled at least half-time (6hrs) to qualify for stupid financial aid AND even for student loans. Why? I have no freaking clue. Anyway, I ended up deciding to go ahead and take my 1 class that hadn't been cancelled and I ended up having to charge that class- leading to a like $600 increase in one month *Sigh*
Anyways, after that, we also had some family health stuff come up and the dr. bills came in, leading to the $200 charge on CareCredit for DH's and a separate bill for DD's hospital which is on a payment plan. Stupid payment plan puts a damper on my debt snowball capabilities. So, I'm just turtling along until we either pay off something or come into some extra money to be able to throw on that CareCredit card.
But I really really really want to get DS in to the Dr. to look at some skin tags and see if we can get them removed, since we've already met our yearly deductable, but I'm afraid they're going to call it cosmetic work and not be covered by our insurance. I guess a consult won't hurt.... I'll have to think about it... *shrug* i dunno lol
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
3 Paycheck Month!
Anyway, can't let that get me down. We'll do our best, just like last year, but at least we won't do it charging up cards just to say we got someone something.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
End of October Update!
CareCredit- $393.54 (Added DH's Dr. bill of $200)
ANB- $877.38
Dell- $1080
Citi- $3573.40
BofA- $5224.80
C Car- $9100.64
M Car- $12166.73
Monthy Reduction of $399.72
Not included in my totals:
Saturday, October 13, 2007
WOOOHOOO My First Zero! And some great news!
AWESOME news: DH just got a new job, with about a 3000/year increase in pay! I'm so proud of him! He starts on the 26th.
And that nasty DH's Dr. bill was cut in half AGAIN and we only owed $200, so we paid it quick on the CareCredit card, but hey, at least it's not $400 we would have had to pay. And we set up a payment plan for DD's hospital bill it's 118.69/month for 5 months, and we already made our first payment so it's down to $474.77 / $593.46.
Plus I'm starting to get really focused on going in the right direction again, so I've started saving more in the EF. I upset myself when I drained it last paycheck b/c we couldn't afford groceries, but it already has over $50 in it again, so I'm working on it! I also opened up an ING account so that I could get some better interest rates on savings, and it has $1.oo in it, I plan to build up the bank savings account to at least $500, then save the rest in ING, so it might be a while before I actually use this account, but I might throw some over there if I'm bored or something =)
But it won't be until around the 25th that I post a full monthly update, but I wanted to share my great news with everyone! I can't tell if it's us or October, but I think something or someone around here is lucky lol =D
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Next step
But I've received some AWESOME news about my work/job, and I will be doing some training and helping another group of coworkers and will eventually receive a raise! /cheer! Plus, my annual review is Oct. 24th, so I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a $0.50 raise there as well. I'm so excited that management has noticed me working my butt off and acknowledged that I deserve some compensation for it all!!! Plus I'll be getting a chance to learn a TON of new things and will be the first in line for any positions opening up =D Yea! for hard work lol!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Frustrated and Tired
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
But I do have to mention that I had a great 21st birthday! I may have used my card for my birthday gift, but hey, you only turn 21 once lol... and now I get to hang my head in shame when I open those statements and have to post to the WIRR's why my credit cards went up this month... Geez, this is worse than screwing up at work lol
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
August Update!
Old Navy- $100.61
CareCredit- $215.53
AnB- $881.71
Dell- $1,161.00
Citi- $2,883.09
BofA- $5,264.45
C Car Loan: $9,613.41
M Car Loan: $12,555.57
Total Debt: $32,675.37
Total Reduction: $489.88
Friday, August 17, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Current Budget
Rent $525
Water Bill $70
Electric Bill $70
Car & Renter's Insurance $183.22
Car Payments $557
Gas $100*2= $200
Daycare $140*4= $560
Groceries $125.00*2= $250
Cell Phone $45
AT&T (Land line & Internet) $67
Cox (Cable) $54
Credit Card (minimums)
Old Navy $10
CareCredit $15
AnB $47
Dell $35
Citi $67
BOFA $100
Total: $19.78
Goals for 2007
Ok I've taken a hard look at what's really possible and so now I have to revise my goals:
- I'd like to pay down Old Navy $100.61 by Dec. 31st.
- Start making $500 principal decreases each month... last month was $480 I think.
- Save up $500 in an EF... this will probably end up coming out of our tax return next year, but I can try!
- Finish my second-to-last class for my Associate's degree! (Of course my last class was cancelled so now I'm stuck for another freakin semester!! I'm so ticked off about that...)