I am a 25-year-old single, working mother of 2. I've got a lot resting on my shoulders, and I'm embarking on a journey to improve my finances and be able to enjoy life with my family without the constant stress of money problems. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
October's Update
Dell $1049.31
Citi $4024.46
BoA $6712.69
Toyota: $27467.05
Total Non-Mortgage Debt: $40110.31
Mortgage: $121901.03
A little late I know.. so shoot me =P
New hobby is Geocaching! I'm excited about it, but we did have to spend money on a decent GPS unit to get started. After the GPS, we shouldn't need to buy anything and it should help us get some exercise.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Quick update
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Not financial at all..
Anyway, that's my whine.. I'm getting better and hopefully will be rested up enough to go back to work on Monday.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Out with the old and In with the new!
Now I am going to update my sidebar really quick and bask in my 17% of my starter EF!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Anyway, we're planning on paying off a few medical bills that we've gotten recently, and then we'll be left with around $400. I haven't decided whether we should just throw it towards a CC, or if we should save it for our EF or Christmas funds. It'd feel wonderful to have that money sitting around, but I'm so afraid we'd spend too much one week and have to take money out to cover. So pretty much I'm still undecided.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
End of September
ANB: $896.36
Dell: $1082.31
Citi: $3996.92
BoA: $5911.41
Toyota: $27760.51
Total Consumer: $39647.51
Owed on house: $122024.76
So the next two weeks are going to be pretty tight... and then the next paycheck I'm hoping to start saving again to fend off Murphy.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Getting all my ducks in a row..
I'm just going to skip the last months update since I'm officially a day away from the next end-of-month lol So I've also got to get our numbers together between work, dinner, and watching House tomorrow! =D
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Really upset
New checking account
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Anyways, yep I'm late on making my end-of-month update AGAIN! Maybe I should just make it a end-of-month update but around the middle of the next month lol. I'd prolly be late anyway =D But I don't think we made any progress, so don't keep your hopes up. We're having a really hard time right now. I will update everything soon! I get my first paycheck with the new $$ on Thursday.. I have no idea what I'll be making yet.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
And I'll be getting a raise!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
On to the update:
ANB: $841.29
Dell: $1162.31
Citi: $4035.32
BoA: $4886.79
Toyota: $28399.17 (This is the same as last month, since the payment isn't even due until 8/6. I was actually ahead a little bit for the past couple of months, but this month I won't be able to keep ahead, so you'll see August's payment in August now.)
So the new total is $39324.88
Bleh! Somebody help me! lol
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Anyways, Chase finally updated our account and of our $900 payment, only $125.75 went to principal! lol that's just bad!!
Let's see... what else is going on... bleh. Just paid some bills. We may be taking a mini-vacation around the 25th & 26th. Planning on traveling up a little ways and checking out Silver Dollar City. We haven't been in a while (5 years actually... I was preggo at the time lol) and DH wants to take me and have a weekend away. I don't expect to spend much money besides gas and snackage. We haven't decided if we're staying overnight or not though, so that could be a little more.
At work, DH should find out soon if the company will be giving out a bonus for last quarter, hopefully we'll find out tomorrow. I'm not eligible, and this is the first time he will be, so he's anxious =). We've both only heard good things, but with the economy you never know. We've both decided already that if he does get anything, it will go straight to BoA CC! Woohoo now that's a bonus! =D
Monday, July 7, 2008
Not much going on..
Saturday, July 5, 2008
June end-of-month Update
ANB $879.52
Citi $4049.90
BoA $5086.49
Toyota: $28399.17
Total: $38415.08
Down $395.22 this month and down $4806.09 total!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th!
And of course I'm late on the end-of-month update... So maybe I'll spend some time doing that too. Maybe =)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Two steps forward, and one step back
Sunday, June 22, 2008
New Networth total!
Ahhh back home...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Reality.. House Payments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
hm... DH vacation day wasn't really much of a vacation
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Happy Birthday!
I'm stressed out from family drama.
My mom has seriously lost her mind. She is going out of town this weekend and I didn't tell her about my daughter's party so she assumed I wasn't having a party for her. Then she assumes I didn't invite her because I'd rather hang out with my dad. I just want to knock her upside the head right now. SHE was the one who planned to go out of town both last weekend and this weekend! I CAN'T PLAN FOR EVERYONE ELSE'S CRAP! This is NOT about her it's about my daughter SHEESH!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Fully updated
End of May update (belated of course =D)
Old Navy- $0
Zales- $0
Best Buy- $0
Care Credit- $0
Dell CC- $0
AnB CC- $923.79
Citi CC- $4076.28
BoA CC- $5089.31
Toyota Loan- $28720.92
Total- $38810.30
Down $4,410.87 Woohoo!
And I will have to update the sidebars and Networth IQ later! It's dinnertime!
And it seems I'm a liar
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Oh yeah!
I'm back!

Plus he's already fixed, microchipped, and has all of his puppy shots! Woohoo!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Interest Rates on our Credit Cards
Luckily my husband had much better luck with the evil BoA. We've been sitting at 18.99% with them for about a year and everytime he called they'd say they couldn't reduce the rate at the time. Amazingly enough they finally gave us a break. hm.. they must have gotten tired of bending us over... i didn't say that lol Thankfully we got it reduced to 14.99%. Now I know that's not like an awesome 3.9% rate or anything, but we're making progress! And I think that's awesome!
If I calculated it right, that's saving about $17/ month just for calling our "provider" and asking for a better deal.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Whew... sigh of relief
Besides that, once that stimulus check comes in, we're switching banks for checking and savings. I really don't want to be a customer of a bank who just bought me. Doesn't seem like they'd try to keep everything the same since it obviously wasn't working lol. But we'll keep an eye on it, if they keep everything similar to how ANB did it, then we can always switch back. It was mainly the builder loans that brought ANB down anyway. Can't keep all of your eggs in one basket, especially with all the worry about the housing market! Dumb!
Friday, May 9, 2008
That's some crazy stuff. Couldn't come at a worse time. All of our money is of course safe b/c of the FDIC (like I have more that 100k just sitting in a bank sheesh), but now our home loan is definitely not going through.
We have an appointment bright and early tomorrow to try and secure a loan with another bank. This just sucks. If we can't get one there, we'll see if this Pulaski bank can do anything. If not them, try Arvest. Surely somebody will take us from where we're at to where we need to be. Like the saying, When it rains, it pours; I think we just tripped into a puddle in a bad storm.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
OMG They accepted?!
I'm really kinda stunned about it. It's hard to believe that it's been so easy this time. Let's hope it stays easy with the inspection and finances.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Small saving update
Really, for the house, I'm hoping we can get them to pay closing costs and give us their $1200 appliance package money (which will be getting used on breaking our lease). So if they pay closing costs, even half or a little more, we really won't need all that much money to cover the rest and moving expenses.
And we don't have to sign anything if we can't do it. I know we can make the monthly payments, it's not going to be something we're going to have to stretch to afford. It's just the getting into the house which is the biggest issue.
Moving forward..
Besides that, we're saving as much as possible and our families have offered to help with different things. My mom has offered to buy us a new fridge, my husband's dad also offered to help (probably with the lawn mower) and DH's grandma is going to contribute $500 for a washer/dryer... which we actually will be getting a slightly used set for $300 from a lady who is moving into an assisted living home. So it looks like we'll be all set for our appliances... My mom has also offered to help with some closing costs so that we can go ahead and get into this house sooner. At first I was really leary of doing this, but she told me that out of my two brothers and me, she has helped me the least, and she wants to do this, so I'm not gonna deny her this (especially since I know it's true!!!)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
House hunt update
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Credit accepted!
Also, another plus is we found that my husband's credit is better than we thought. With a average between the 3 scores being 712! Not great, but "above average." I'll take it! Of course mine's a little lower, I don't have much credit history being younger, but my average is around 690... boooo! lol
Anyways, we have around 4 months till our apartment lease is up, we may find a house, or we may not. I haven't decided if it's too soon or not. But I do know that we are saving as much money as we can right now. I transferred $350 last night to savings, so that's a good start. Hopefully I can convince my husband to work a few hours of overtime so we can bump this savings up quickly. And of course, I'm not just gonna sit around doing nothing =), I'll also be trying to squeeze in some extra hours and maybe try to help out some family for some cash =P
Monday, April 14, 2008
Dreaming of houses and perfume... odd mix

I love that picture.
To sum up everything that's going on, I think my DH and I will be sticking to the minimum payments on the credit cards and new car, as we start building up some savings for a downpayment. The credit cards will still get paid off, it won't be as soon as I'd like, but it will be done. I don't plan on using them unless I'm out of all other options, and hopefully we can do better at saving then we have been. I think our main goal is to be able to buy a house by next year around this same time.
On another tangent, this Saturday is my DH's and my 5 year anniversary. He's been doing some planning, and as far as I know we're just going to dinner together.. But he could surprise me. I guess I'll have to wait and see ;-D Really, I'd love some of my favorite purfume Hanae Mori Butterfly... I've been out of everything (even other cheap stuff) for about 2 months and I just really like wearing perfume. It makes me feel pretty =D lol Anyway, maybe he'll read this *HINT HINT* lol j/k
Anyways, what do you guys think about the house thing? Think I'm crazy for putting off my debt elimination in order to take out a massive loan!? (compared to what I currently have it feels massive) Really, for this area, we could get in a really nice, new home for around 130-140k... *sigh* now I'm dreaming again lol
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Job Update
Coming out of hiding.... confessions
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sharing Another's Successes
Friday, March 14, 2008
Sorry everyone!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I'm Back & Feb. Update!
Ok, so on to the end of February update! It's a good one!
Old Navy- $0
Zales- $0
Best Buy- $0
CareCredit- $0
Dell- $0
AnB- $939.60
Citi- $4126.08
BofA- $5141.48
C Car Loan- $8066.65
M Car Loan- $11536.41
Total Debt: $29810.22
Plus Hospital bill: $118.70-$118.70= $0!
Isn't that beautiful?!! Plus, I almost forgot, I have my $1000 EF saved up! YEA!!! That was one great month for us!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
State Return
Monday, February 4, 2008
Tax return amounts
Feeling down
Anyways, I hope to pay off Zales, BestBuy, CareCredit, and Dell, so it will free up some extra money to send to the others each month. Anything over that amount will probably be put in to replenish our savings account.
I hope this goes as planned... I'm ready to get going again! Keep on keeping on! lol
End of January
Old Navy- $0
Zales- $261.58
BestBuy- $353.60
CareCredit- $499.91
ANB- $940.91
Dell- $959.00
Citi- $4088.69
BoA- $5153.93
C Car- $8324.06
M Car- $11709.91
Total: 32291.59
up $334.84 over last month
Bringing my total paid off down to $873.66
Also paid $118.69 to DD's hospital bill bringing it's total due this month 237.39-118.69= $118.70 which will be the last payment, Thank goodness!
Friday, January 25, 2008
We finally got paid yesterday and my retro-pay from the 16 hours last paycheck was on the check, but this is our bad check monthly and of course we're barely squeezing by even with the extra money. *sigh* Woe is me.
DH and I have been fighting a lot lately. We are struggling to communicate effectively. This is a big stressor for both of us.
And finally, at work I'm gearing up to be taking on a huge training experience with the telecom contact center and I'm going to be learning with them about half my workday starting next week. If everything goes well, and I like doing it, they plan on keeping me over there and I will receive a raise. I just don't know how much I'm going to like it, personally, I'd rather be a telecom analyst, but who knows, maybe I'll love it. And it's not like I'll be stuck there forever, I can always move later.
Hang in there with me, it's almost end of month and update time is coming faster than I'd like. But it'll be the first month seeing our poor Wii debt that hasn't even gotten a payment on it yet. (First payment is due Feb. 1st)
Friday, January 18, 2008
Hopefully I can find the time out of my oh-so-busy schedule to update the tracker once a month =D
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My Last Class for Associates =D
I can't wait to say I have my associates and working on my bachelors =D Makes me grin just thinking about it.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Some Blog Updates and Personal Updates
Well, my final class for my Associate's starts on Tuesday if there are enough people for the college to not drop it again... I think there's still 8 enrolled and I'm hoping that's enough. If it does get cancelled, I swear I'm just gonna try to Clep and move on. It's not worth it wasting my time waiting on one, single, stupid, night class. (Whew lots of adjectives lol)
Besides that, I'm trying to get the courage to ask my mom for some help... I'm hoping she'll offer again and then I can say "Well, my check was short this time..."
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
When it rains, it pours...
But luckily this is my paycheck that I usually end up with a little extra money, so after all my bills minimums and gas we end up with $96.19 for groceries and prescriptions, and whatever else.... $100 for 4 people... Ugh. We've actually had worse when we had a baby still on formula and we were spending close to $45 just on formula with about $45 left for our groceries for 2 weeks. No need to cry yet, we've just got to downgrade our lifestyle and grab up some ramen noodles... If all else fails, we have a little savings squirreled away... just gotta leave time for the transfers.
My head is so jumbled right now...
Anyways, my mom took me to the oral surgeon and on the way she asked if I wanted her to pay for what was due at the time $130.50 I think it was. But my stupid pride just got in the way and I just refused to let her pay for it, even though I had to charge it (Ouch for next month's CareCredit). Now I'm kicking myself for being stupid.... I dunno.. She keeps bugging me about trying to help me financially a little, so it's kinda nice not totally worrying if we're gonna starve this month since I can always ask her for some moola.... But should I ask her for like $150 to help pay for it/ and other bills? I don't know if I'm making sense, so feel free to ask for more info... I would love to hear what you guys think =)