I am a 25-year-old single, working mother of 2. I've got a lot resting on my shoulders, and I'm embarking on a journey to improve my finances and be able to enjoy life with my family without the constant stress of money problems. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
OMG They accepted?!
I'm really kinda stunned about it. It's hard to believe that it's been so easy this time. Let's hope it stays easy with the inspection and finances.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Small saving update
Really, for the house, I'm hoping we can get them to pay closing costs and give us their $1200 appliance package money (which will be getting used on breaking our lease). So if they pay closing costs, even half or a little more, we really won't need all that much money to cover the rest and moving expenses.
And we don't have to sign anything if we can't do it. I know we can make the monthly payments, it's not going to be something we're going to have to stretch to afford. It's just the getting into the house which is the biggest issue.
Moving forward..
Besides that, we're saving as much as possible and our families have offered to help with different things. My mom has offered to buy us a new fridge, my husband's dad also offered to help (probably with the lawn mower) and DH's grandma is going to contribute $500 for a washer/dryer... which we actually will be getting a slightly used set for $300 from a lady who is moving into an assisted living home. So it looks like we'll be all set for our appliances... My mom has also offered to help with some closing costs so that we can go ahead and get into this house sooner. At first I was really leary of doing this, but she told me that out of my two brothers and me, she has helped me the least, and she wants to do this, so I'm not gonna deny her this (especially since I know it's true!!!)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
House hunt update
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Credit accepted!
Also, another plus is we found that my husband's credit is better than we thought. With a average between the 3 scores being 712! Not great, but "above average." I'll take it! Of course mine's a little lower, I don't have much credit history being younger, but my average is around 690... boooo! lol
Anyways, we have around 4 months till our apartment lease is up, we may find a house, or we may not. I haven't decided if it's too soon or not. But I do know that we are saving as much money as we can right now. I transferred $350 last night to savings, so that's a good start. Hopefully I can convince my husband to work a few hours of overtime so we can bump this savings up quickly. And of course, I'm not just gonna sit around doing nothing =), I'll also be trying to squeeze in some extra hours and maybe try to help out some family for some cash =P
Monday, April 14, 2008
Dreaming of houses and perfume... odd mix

I love that picture.
To sum up everything that's going on, I think my DH and I will be sticking to the minimum payments on the credit cards and new car, as we start building up some savings for a downpayment. The credit cards will still get paid off, it won't be as soon as I'd like, but it will be done. I don't plan on using them unless I'm out of all other options, and hopefully we can do better at saving then we have been. I think our main goal is to be able to buy a house by next year around this same time.
On another tangent, this Saturday is my DH's and my 5 year anniversary. He's been doing some planning, and as far as I know we're just going to dinner together.. But he could surprise me. I guess I'll have to wait and see ;-D Really, I'd love some of my favorite purfume Hanae Mori Butterfly... I've been out of everything (even other cheap stuff) for about 2 months and I just really like wearing perfume. It makes me feel pretty =D lol Anyway, maybe he'll read this *HINT HINT* lol j/k
Anyways, what do you guys think about the house thing? Think I'm crazy for putting off my debt elimination in order to take out a massive loan!? (compared to what I currently have it feels massive) Really, for this area, we could get in a really nice, new home for around 130-140k... *sigh* now I'm dreaming again lol