Tuesday, January 8, 2008

When it rains, it pours...

Wow so this might have just answered my question for me... I went online to check out what our paychecks are gonna be and of course mine was shorted 16 hours GAH... My manager is so flakey sometimes... I guess I need to check with her anytime I miss work to see if she got my PTO put in. Anyway, instead of the usual $725ish, I ended up with $596. That's just lame and it sucks and I can't get my money until next paycheck the 24th.
But luckily this is my paycheck that I usually end up with a little extra money, so after all my bills minimums and gas we end up with $96.19 for groceries and prescriptions, and whatever else.... $100 for 4 people... Ugh. We've actually had worse when we had a baby still on formula and we were spending close to $45 just on formula with about $45 left for our groceries for 2 weeks. No need to cry yet, we've just got to downgrade our lifestyle and grab up some ramen noodles... If all else fails, we have a little savings squirreled away... just gotta leave time for the transfers.

1 comment:

Kas said...

Well at least its not money lost. You will get the money in your next paycheck. If you're still not sure about taking money from your mom, maybe you could just borrow the $100 until your next paycheck, then you wouldn't have to worry about running out of money and wont' have to spend two weeks eating ramon.