Saturday, October 25, 2008

Not financial at all..

I just want a place to whine for a minute... I HATE BEING SICK! I've come down with some type of sickness... I didn't feel well on Friday at work, but I decided it was kinda pointless to leave since I'd just have to come back and pick up DH. So, pretty much after work when I got home I was miserable. I was wearing flannel pajama pants, a 3/4 length shirt & jacket, socks, and finally had to put 2 comforters on me to get warm. My whole body hurt, throat hurt, and I was totally miserable. I do feel better now, but my throat is just painful. It hurts to swallow anything /cry

Anyway, that's my whine.. I'm getting better and hopefully will be rested up enough to go back to work on Monday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Out with the old and In with the new!

I finally got my old bank account emptied and closed, and just yesterday I went and opened up a savings account at our new bank so we're all set up now =)... So far we have $100 in there woohoo! Actually, I have about $70 more tucked away in a hiding place that I've been slowly building up since we didn't have a savings account. So I'm not sure when/if I'll take it to the bank, but for now it's just hiding there making me feel good =D
Now I am going to update my sidebar really quick and bask in my 17% of my starter EF!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Hehe, DH is getting a bonus! It'll be around $600 after taxes and 401K is taken out. If I had gotten my new job just a little bit sooner I'd be included in this quarter's bonus as well, but BOOO lol. Hopefully 4th quarter will be just as good or better! =)
Anyway, we're planning on paying off a few medical bills that we've gotten recently, and then we'll be left with around $400. I haven't decided whether we should just throw it towards a CC, or if we should save it for our EF or Christmas funds. It'd feel wonderful to have that money sitting around, but I'm so afraid we'd spend too much one week and have to take money out to cover. So pretty much I'm still undecided.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

End of September

Okie, so on to the end of September debt update; too bad it's not a good one.

ANB: $896.36
Dell: $1082.31
Citi: $3996.92
BoA: $5911.41
Toyota: $27760.51

Total Consumer: $39647.51

Owed on house: $122024.76

So the next two weeks are going to be pretty tight... and then the next paycheck I'm hoping to start saving again to fend off Murphy.