Wednesday, October 1, 2008

End of September

Okie, so on to the end of September debt update; too bad it's not a good one.

ANB: $896.36
Dell: $1082.31
Citi: $3996.92
BoA: $5911.41
Toyota: $27760.51

Total Consumer: $39647.51

Owed on house: $122024.76

So the next two weeks are going to be pretty tight... and then the next paycheck I'm hoping to start saving again to fend off Murphy.


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! Okay, I must've missed something but how did that Toyota balance get so high?

I realize that it's for two cars, but still... Besides that, your consumer debt isn't in too bad a shape...

me061502 said...

It's actually for one car. Back in March, I think it was, we traded in two cars to buy a new Prius. We both work at the same company, the same hours and we weren't using the second car. I wanted to just sell one, but my DH didn't think it was fair because it would have been "his" car since we owed more and usually drove "my" car anyway. I have to say that I didn't really agree with the decision, but I didn't stand up for our finances as I should have. So now all I can do is keep plugging along and do my best. /cry